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Results for "keyword: "death""
Half Moon
Meet Joe Black A fantasy film about death weighed down by a tediously slow pace and overwrought production values.
Through the Forest (À Travers La Forêt) A hypnotic and intense masterwork on grief, the afterlife, and the yearning of the soul that can turn darkness into light.
Free Radicals Reveals the subtle and fragile strands that link our lives to those of others in ways we cannot even begin to imagine.
Marvin's Room A zany and emotionally-affecting story about death, aging parents, reconciliation, and the healing power of selfless love.
The Promise A shattering film about loss.
Sherlock Holmes Double Feature Two early Sherlock Holmes dramas that reveal the English detective's meticulous method of detection and his emphasis on an open mind.
Tim Burton's Corpse Bride A bittersweet fairy tale set at death's door that salutes the liberating power of true love.
Timothy Leary's Dead An unusual documentary about the countercultural guru.
The Life of David Gale A thought-provoking and suspenseful drama about two burnt-out zealots who are willing to do anything they can to stop the juggernaut of executions in America's prisons.